Monday, August 1, 2011


             The hydrosphere plays a key role in the development and sustenance of life. It is thought that the earliest living organisms probably emerged in a watery soup. In addition, each human life begins in the watery environment of its mother's womb, our cells and tissues are mostly water, and most of the chemical reactions that are part of life's processes take place in water.

               There are several theories regarding the formation of the Earth's hydrosphere. This planet contains proportionately more surface water than comparable bodies in the inner solar system. Out gassing of water from the Earth's interior is not sufficient to explain the quantity of water.
One hypothesis that has gained popularity among scientists is that the early Earth was subjected to a period of bombardment by comets and water-rich asteroids. Much of the water on the surface today is thought to have originated from the outer parts of the solar system, such as from objects that arrived from beyond Neptune.
               It is so easy sometimes to take our hydrosphere for granted and we seldom take the time to really think about the role that this part of the planet plays in keeping us alive. Below are just some of the very important functions of water in the hydrosphere:
  • Water is a part of living cells
  • Each cell in a living organism is made up of almost 75% water, and this allows the cell to function normally.
  • Most of the chemical reactions in life involve substances that are dissolve in water.
  • Without water, cells would not be able to carry out their normal functions and life could not exist.
  • Water provides a habitat especially for sea creatures and living organisms.
  • The hydrosphere provides an important place for many animals and plants to live.
  • Ocean currents help disperse heat 
                   Humans also use water in a number of ways. Drinking water is obviously very important, but water is also used domestically like washing and cleaning and in industry. Water can also be used to generate electricity through hydro power.
                   These are just a few of the very important functions that water plays on our planet. Many of the functions of water relate to its chemistry and to the way in which it is able to dissolve substances in it.

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