Tuesday, October 11, 2011


              Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. Referred to as alien life, or simply aliens, these hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more advanced than humans.This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.
               This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.


The Planet Jupiter is the LARGEST PLANET in our Solar System. Jupiter has at least 63 moons and they include: Europa, Io, Callisto and Ganymede. Planet Jupiter has a diameter of 85,788 miles and a temperature ranging from -163° C to -121° C.It is approximately 466 million miles away from the sun and its atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium. It rotates on its own axis in 9 hours and 55 minutes in Earth time and it revolves  around the sun in 12 Earth years. Jupiter has three thin rings around its equator. They are much fainter than the rings of Saturn. Jupiter can’t ever become a Star.Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System. 
                            It is considered highly unlikely that there is any Earth-like life on Jupiter, as there is only a small amount of water in the atmosphere and any possible solid surface deep within Jupiter would be under extraordinary pressures. In 1976, before the Voyager missions, it was hypothesized that ammonia or water-based life could evolve in Jupiter's upper atmosphere. This hypothesis is based on the ecology of terrestrial seas which have simple photosynthetic plankton at the top level, fish at lower levels feeding on these creatures, and marine predators which hunt the fish.

Monday, September 12, 2011



              Coral reefs are often hailed as the rainforests of the sea and for anyone.Not only do coral reefs make their own ecosystem, many other organisms also depend on coral reefs for life and shelter. Humans, too can't survive without an ecosystem.The coral reefs maintain a balance of life with the mangrove and sea grass ecosystems near the coastal shores. Many marine creatures spend their lives in moving from mangrove ecosystems to sea grass beds and then coral reefs, thereby transferring nutrients and connecting life.In the 'circle of life', humans along with every other organism plays a significant role, coral reefs aren't an exception.Like trees and plants are known to reduce our carbon levels, corals also help in reducing the effects of CO2.Coral reef tourism is believed to be an alternative source of income for the poor coastal communities.Coral reefs can also be called as nature's defense mechanism to prevent coastal soil erosion and flooding.The coral reefs provide shelter, nutrition and habitat to almost a quarter of the world's fish!! Think how valuable is this contribution when it comes to the national, international and local fisheries market.
Mangrove forests are home to a large variety of fish, crab, shrimp, and mollusk species.Mangrove wood is resistant to rot and insects, making it extremely valuable.Mangroves also provide vital structure to coastlines.
              Despite the significant importance that coral reefs and mangroves have on the environment, they are currently experiencing a major threat: clearance.But we people can do something about it. We must help preserve these things because at the end we are still the one who can benefit from it.