Tuesday, October 11, 2011


              Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. Referred to as alien life, or simply aliens, these hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more advanced than humans.This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.
               This, while seemingly inconsequential due to the general acceptance among the public that UFOs represent vehicles piloted by space aliens, is actually the root of a number of problems within the field of Ufology. Skeptics are quick to point out that UFO believers place their trust in the perceived fact that aliens from outer space are visiting us, when in truth, this is an unfair assessment altogether.

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